Come see us...

Goree is a quaint, quiet town with easy access to the lake, guided hunting/fishing, hunting lodges, RVing, camping and extremely affordable real estate for your very own hunting headquarters. Finally, Goree has the last stop for bait, beverages and snacks before heading to the lake, Millers Creek Reservoir.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Job Fair

The KCVG, Knox County Visioning Group, hosted a job fair this evening and our town was well-represented. Earlier this afternoon I was asked if our town was having a caucus following the primary. After looking up the definitions for caucus and primary, I deducted that there were no plans for having a caucus; but we were having a primary election. (Am I showin' my age?) I asked Miss Margaret, “Now, why do you want to have a caucus?” To which she replied, “I want someone like you to represent us and put Goree on the map.”

After tonight’s job fair, I can honestly say that a few more folks know that something is going on in Goree, Texas. And even though we are ‘off’ the map except for an exit sign or two, we will not be ignored. As you can see by our booth, we stirred up some ‘talk’ about our town.

Thank you KCVG for giving Goree a place to pitch our new vision and for your support in putting Goree back on the map.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I missed the job fair last night. Just blame Brenda Copas or tell ORCA to get her a state vehicle.... Anyway, I love the Goree website. It's better than most towns with a full-time chamber person... I can't tell you guys how excited I am about our area of the State. Keep up the good work.

Amy Lorance

Anonymous said...


Thanks so much for the pics, If you don't mind I'm going to share them with the Visioning Group. Next time we can have funnel cakes!! I thought it went very well, and Goree was certainly well represented. Remelle did a great job organizing this and making contacts, but I think she would tell everyone, it was a group effort. What a great start, and I'm looking forward to what the future holds.

Thanks Again

Anonymous said...

I agree! Great community effort and turn out. Thanks for all the hard work everyone did so that those of us who came could just come and enjoy the evening! I know a lot of hard work and thought went into this meeting- Well done!

Debbie Welborn

Anonymous said...

For people not familiar with Goree reading the blog might be
interested in Trainham Ice and Trainham Meat Processing. I am proud of you and Kent being able to live in Goree and make a living. Who would have ever thought. Kent was smart starting the ice business.

Thanks for all you do.