Come see us...

Goree is a quaint, quiet town with easy access to the lake, guided hunting/fishing, hunting lodges, RVing, camping and extremely affordable real estate for your very own hunting headquarters. Finally, Goree has the last stop for bait, beverages and snacks before heading to the lake, Millers Creek Reservoir.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Grant Awarded...

Goree got money from the Government??? Why, yes they did! The Mayor of Goree signed the paperwork for a USDA-RD grant in the amount of $9900.00 and a low interest loan for $2600.00. The City was previously awarded a grant through ORCA, but still had to come up with the 10% matching funds of $12,500.00. Goree is in desperate need of work on the water system and this money will complete a project that was left half done in a previous effort.

According to Larry Clements, Rural Development Specialist (far left), communities need to know that you can get money from the government for help with your problems. He added, "The towns who do benefit from our programs are those who have 'a mover and a shaker' like Nancy Birkenfeld." Nancy Birkenfeld is a City Councilperson who has gone the extra mile in making sure her community gets a fair shake. She, with the guidance of Mr. Clements, worked through much paperwork in order that the matching funds were sought and found. Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your hard work. It, literally, paid off!

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