Come see us...

Goree is a quaint, quiet town with easy access to the lake, guided hunting/fishing, hunting lodges, RVing, camping and extremely affordable real estate for your very own hunting headquarters. Finally, Goree has the last stop for bait, beverages and snacks before heading to the lake, Millers Creek Reservoir.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Another Grant Awarded...

More money from the government???? YES!!! Shortly after receiving the afore mentioned grant for the City's 10% match, we got word that another grant application that Nancy Birkenfeld had submitted was another great success. This grant request was for $30,000 to replace water meters for the entire system due to the serious 45% water loss. We were awarded 16,500 in the form of a grant and 13,500 in the form of a low interest loan. The lost water being found will quite possibly make up the loan payment single handedly. Aren't we blessed?

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