Come see us...

Goree is a quaint, quiet town with easy access to the lake, guided hunting/fishing, hunting lodges, RVing, camping and extremely affordable real estate for your very own hunting headquarters. Finally, Goree has the last stop for bait, beverages and snacks before heading to the lake, Millers Creek Reservoir.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Texas Plum Line Fundraiser

We, the GGG, ordered a good assortment of Texas Plum Line products to sale as a fundraiser and had our first opportunity this past Saturday at the Knox Prairie Quilt Show in Munday, Texas. Several ladies took a shift to watch our booth. We sold about two thirds of the merchandise and, as a matter of fact, sold smooth out of the jam. Some people had already heard of Connie's plum line and were return customers.

A big thank you to Nola Denton, Joyce Greenwood, Vickie Huffman and Madison, and lastly, Sheila Urbanczyk and Kaylan. You all are awesome!

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