Come see us...

Goree is a quaint, quiet town with easy access to the lake, guided hunting/fishing, hunting lodges, RVing, camping and extremely affordable real estate for your very own hunting headquarters. Finally, Goree has the last stop for bait, beverages and snacks before heading to the lake, Millers Creek Reservoir.

Friday, October 31, 2008

The Homecoming Top Twenty


20. You could say David Letterman has his Top Ten, but I'm from Goree and I have a Top Twenty.

19. The Converse basketball shoes we wore cost $5.98

18. You attended a donkey basketball game in this very gym.

17. You didn't have to have any acting skills to be in the junior or senior play.

16. You could go to Rhineland and sneak in and tour the Catholic Church at night.

15. You could climb the water tower and the night watchman would laugh at you because you got scared.

14. There were no wrestling classes.

13. The best day of school was when we had a fire drill and got to slide down the big slide.

12. You dated a Mogul, a Panther, a Greyhound or a Mustang at least once while you were in high school.

11. You wore an evening dress, not a formal, at the Halloween Coronation.

10. They didn't search your car -- if you had one -- for drugs.

9. You started to school after Labor Day.

8. You learned to type on a manual.

7. We thought there was only one language and it was Texan.

6. You knew Mrs. Moore would be your eighth grade teacher.

5. You got in trouble if you played hooky once a year.

4. You walked to school or rode a bus.

3. Text meant text books, not text messaging.

2. Your senior trip was the first time to travel out of Goree.
And the #1 best thing about growing up in Goree....
1. You could be the next homecoming speaker!

We are proud of our firemen...

Goree Fire Department was established in 1926 and is still going strong in 2008. That fire truck was bought in 1926. It is a Graham Brothers Truck. Firemen then: N.W. Roberts, Chief, Elbridge Coffman, Asst. Chief, Henry Coffman, Walter Coffman, Morgan Wright, Deaton Greene, Rubey Hammons, Jack West, Nealie Moore, Quince Hall, George Nix, Virgil Peek, Adolph Camp, Robert Couch, Max Maloney, Roy Moore, E.W. Blankenship, Jim Goode, Jot Tynes, Oakly Roberts. (This picture and info was found in the Knox County Museum of Benjamin, Texas)

Firemen now: Jason Blake, Chief, Jimmy Harlan, Grady Weaver, Randy Hibdon, Michael Castorena, JR Shumate, Trey Harlan, Wally Aguilar, Greg Blake

The City of Goree and the Homecoming Committee recognize these men and their dedication to keeping our town safe and sound, then and now. And a big thank you to all the hard work in providing the great start for our homecoming festivities. The firemen's meal was wonderful! Thanks also to those who helped them...Jeanette Blake, Casey Shumate, Cathy Weaver, Carlene Harlan, Dorothy Hibdon and Kobe Ramirez. And, last but not least, there were those who donated desserts, meat and processing....thanks to all!

Hometown Girl

"Growing up on a small Texas farm, waking each morning to hot biscuits with wild plum jam was the beginning of the day's fond memories.

Pedaling bicycles to wild plum thickets around the 4th of July added chapters to my story. From the window of my memory, I can see mom teaching me the tradition of making and giving wild plum jam.

In the Fall of 1990, with the encouragement and help of family and friends, Texas Plum Line became a reality.

Sharing Texas Plum Line with you leaves my story - to be continued..."

...that little ditty was from and Texas Plum Line is a business that originated in Goree, Texas. I'm not sure, but I think the wild plums are still harvested from Goree. Goree Ex, Connie Haskin Bingham, is the founder of this business. She, by the way, was a speaker at our 2008 Homecoming Program along with Carl Harris and Jan Roberts. These three reminded everyone what it was like to grow up in our town and be a Goree Wildcat. If you missed these talks, then you really missed a treat! A Top Twenty Treat, even!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Homecoming Parade...

Who says Goree didn't have a homecoming parade! We raided back porches for furniture and plants on the Friday of homecoming to decorate the empty building downtown. The chiminea came in handy, it was a bit chilly at the street dance.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Homecoming Update for '08

Well, I cannot wait to share details with ya. Pictures, stories, etc. It was a wonderful homecoming and it isn't over just yet. The dance is going on as we speak and in the morning is the church services.

BETTTEERRR YET! What did you think? Be honest, now! Comment on this post and let us know...tell us what we did right so we can do it again. Tell us what (in a nice way) what we could do different or better.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008